Wednesday, March 23, 2005

"UN Predicts Annan to be Vindicated in Oil-For-Food Probe"

The headline of this story comes as no surprise. I expect Kofi Annan to escape serious consequences of the Oil-For-Food farce, but his son may not get off the hook so easy.

What really gets my goat is the following:

On a related matter, U.N. officials confirmed that the secretary-general approved a decision to use thousands of dollars from Iraqi oil revenues to pay legal fees of former oil-for-food program chief Benon Sevan. In a report issued in February, the Volcker Commission concluded that Mr. Sevan had "seriously undermined the integrity of the United Nations" by improperly steering lucrative oil-for-food contracts to friends.
Iraq's U.N. ambassador Wednesday described the decision to use oil-for-food money for Mr. Sevan's legal fees as "scandalous". In a written statement, Ambassador Samir Sumaidaie said the credibility of the United Nations had been called into question. He urged the Security Council to intervene to reverse the decision.

Geez. The guy in charge of the program that diverted Iraqi oil money from the people and into the pockets of Saddam Hussein and others gets his legal bills paid out of the same pot of money. I thought it was "oil-for-food", not "oil-for-legal-expenses-of-some-UN-bureaucrat".

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