Thursday, December 22, 2005

"Christmas Tree Opossum Surprises Pa. Teen"

This is funny.

ENGLEWOOD, Pa. - Mary Kathleen O'Connor, 16, doing some studying for school about 6 a.m. Tuesday, said she was the first to be startled by an apparent Christmas tree stowaway.

"I'm looking at the tree and the angel just pops off," she said. "And a second later, this head just popped up. The eyes were, like, glowing. I was thinking, 'Oh my God!' And I screamed."

Having grown up in rural Texas, I've run across possums at some startling moments (usually at night), and I don't blame Mary Kathleen O'Connor for screaming. The creatures are plain ugly and nasty looking, and I can imagine the sight of one topping your Christmas tree can be disturbing, to say the least. Possums, along with platypuses, stand as proof that God does indeed laugh from time to time.

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