Monday, February 20, 2006

"RadioShack CEO Quits Amid Resume Questions"

David Edmonson has resigned as CEO of Radio Shack. For lying on his resume.

About being well-versed in religion.

Edmondson had claimed that he received degrees in theology and psychology from Pacific Coast Baptist College in California, which moved in 1998 to Oklahoma and renamed itself Heartland Baptist Bible College.

The school's registrar told the [Fort Worth] Star-Telegram that records showed Edmondson completed only two semesters and that the school never offered degrees in psychology. The school official declined to comment to The Associated Press.

Edmondson said last Wednesday he believes that he received a theology diploma called a ThG, but not the four-year bachelor of science degree listed on his resume. He could not document the ThG diploma. [emphases added]

Con-men have no scruples.

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