Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Practicing plagiarism

Kaavya Viswanathan: fraud.

Little, Brown pulled “Opal Mehta” after extensive similarities were discovered to two works by Megan McCafferty, “Sloppy Firsts” and “Second Helpings.” But until Tuesday, the publisher had not said whether the book would be canceled altogether or simply revised, as originally planned.

The Harvard Crimson student newspaper, alerted by reader e-mails, reported Tuesday on its Web site that “Opal Mehta” contained passages similar to Meg Cabot’s 2000 novel, “The Princess Diaries.” The New York Times also reported comparable material in Viswanathan’s novel and Sophie Kinsella’s “Can You Keep a Secret?[emphases added]

That's four works she ripped off in her laziness and deception. Does this woman ever write anything original? After all this, I would question the name she signs.

UPDATE: Make that five works she ripped off. From the Scotsman [emphasis added]:

Miss Viswanathan admitted to the Harvard Crimson that she borrowed language from two of Ms McCafferty's novels but that any similarities were "unintentional and unconscious". [Snort!]

The books involved, first identified by the New York Times, are Can You Keep a Secret by British author Sophie Kinsella, The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot and Haround and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie.

All in one novel by a teenager? Wow. She sure assimilates information totally.

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